Milf and the pool boy
I was working as a poolboy for a whole summer in the other neighbourhood that was fairly close to our house. I got the job in with a student organization and was pretty happy with it cause I could get some money on my own. Plus as I said yesterday, I was not so up and swimming in money when I was in college. It payed well and it was a pretty good gig cleaning pools all day in the sun, drinking beers and talking with folks. Sometimes I even took a dip in the fine pools they had.
It was on one hot summer day when I was visiting a house that I knew was a single moms. She had a kid and she was smokin hot. I arrived at noon, thinking she won't be at home but I was mistaken. When I hopped the fence and went back whistling she was standing there, a drink in hand in a tiny bikini. She smiled at me and we shook hands, then I got to work.
I was getting the leaves out of the pool with my handy tools and cleaned up the exterior of the tiles. She kept en eye on me then when I stopped for a while to catch my breath she jumped in the pool and emerged just in front of me so I could see her perfect body and huge round tits. My dick was aroused the verry moment she came out of the water so she grabbed it, kissed me on the lips, stroked it a few times then went inside the house. This gorgeous milf made me crazy!
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